My family has inspired me throughout my life and helped build the foundation for my strong passion for baseball. From a young age, my dad and I would often watch games together and have discussions about the fundamentals of baseball and how to play the game the right way. The foundation of my love for baseball came from spending countless hours in our backyard playing catch and hitting whiffle balls. My brother Gage, who is six years younger and loves to play baseball, constantly reminds me through his entertaining and competitive spirit that although baseball is a competitive sport, it’s also fun. Finally, my mom keeps me grounded and helps keep life and baseball in perspective. My hobbies include shooting hoops with Gage, playing video games, spending time with friends and family and giving back to my community. My volunteer activities include being a member of Boys Team Charity (“BTC”) and coaching club baseball. I have been a member of BTC for five years and I have enjoyed the opportunities the organization provides to help those members of my community who are in need. I also enjoy helping my dad and another member of the coaching staff of my high school baseball team coach their 14U club baseball team.
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